17 Life lessons I learnt from Arnold Schwarzenegger long life Jul 14, 2023

I'm a big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he's been successful at nearly everything he's done, so there is a lot to learn from him.

I've read all his...

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How Entrepreneurs and type-A people make themselves ill Jan 03, 2023

Entrepreneurs, A-type personalities and athletes – please don’t do this…

These 3 types of people, which I would class myself as...

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Why I want to live to 100, and why you will after reading this blog ben coomber long life Nov 23, 2022

If you follow my work it’s a known fact I want to live till I’m 100 years old and beyond, I mean, why wouldn’t you? 


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13 gadgets & bits of technology that improve your health & fitness Nov 23, 2022

Living a healthy, fit, AWESOME life is helped by useful gadgets, and its good to know of companies that are making awesome products, apps and...

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How to lose weight, plan your fitness and feel AWESOME Nov 23, 2022

Every day I get emails, tweets and messages from people asking me how I do things. What I eat for breakfast, what foods I do and don't eat, what...

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How to successfully lose weight, and keep the weight off Nov 23, 2022

Having been a coach in the fitness industry for 16 years I can hand on heart say that most people, including myself, don’t generally have a...

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How to improve your health in 10 simple steps you can do today Nov 23, 2022

If you’re not getting the results you want with your health and fitness right now are you willing to do a little test with me?

This is a test...

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My top 10 personal development books Nov 23, 2022

If you want to learn and master new skills you have to read, or listen to books/podcasts/videos that explore the world and what we believe...

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My recovery from long covid: Diet, Supplements & Testing coronavirus long covid recovery Oct 27, 2022

I am 100% recovered from Long Covid, HARRAH. It’s been 3 months symptom free now (updated as of *28/11/22, 9 months symptoms free now), and...

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